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Mire lo que sucedió en la historia durante Abril

April 4, 1949: NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed. Twelve nations united to form a common defense against the threat of expansion by Soviet Russia into Western Europe. April 8, 1913: The 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The Amendment began the practice of directly electing U.S. senators, instead of state legislators choosing them. April 12, 1945: After serving as vice-president for only a few weeks, Harry S. Truman became the 33rd president of the United States after Franklin D. Roosevelt suddenly died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage. Truman had barely received any briefings about the Atomic bomb or any other wartime difficulties surging to the forefront. He remained steadfast, making some of the most important decisions in history. April 22, 1889: Two million acres, originally belonging to the Creek and Seminole Indians, became part of the Oklahoma land rush. Signaled by a single gunshot at noon, thousands of settlers began the frenzied dash to stake a claim on the land made available by the federal government. April 24, 1800: With more than 145 million items in its collections of books, recordings, photographs, manuscripts and maps, the Library of Congress (pictured) was established in Washington D.C. It’s America’s oldest federal institution and has become the world’s largest library, with thousands of new items added daily.

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